From idea to product. We will support you in choosing and implementing the right technology.
The Right IT Infrastructure
Choosing suitable IT infrastructure with the right systems poses a big challenge. Hasty selection and choice of a service provider can conceal massive financial risks, especially for start-ups, who do not initially have a full appreciation of future demands, technologies and tools. That is why it is important to remain agile in matters of IT development: rely on a system that has low costs and is flexible– like, for example, making use of user-friendly open source software. At the same time, it is important that adequate provision is made for data protection, availability und data security. These are the challenges for new start-ups. Consideration also need to given to what is the most appropriate sales strategy for the business concept.
Professional Advice
We will be happy to help you with this aspect of IT development. Especially where this concerns important decisions such as system selection or whether it would be absolutely necessary to set up your own online shop. A higher potential level of success might alternatively be promised by marketing via Amazon, Ebay and third-party eRetailers or affiliates. So we will look for the right solution for you – and save you time and money.
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