Our Values
Our Ventures and their demands are at the centre of all we do. Their trust is the foundation stone of our company. Credibility and the ability to listen characterise our work. We at FOSTEC Ventures think independently and creatively. We enable our Ventures to break new ground and thus gain measurable competitive advantages. Our most important capital is the staff, who we motivate to high performance, promote and encourage to participate in interdisciplinary exchange.
No business without morals. We stand for personal integrity and high ethical standards. Absolutely unconditionally. Social responsibility and responsibility to our environment permeate our everyday activity. These are our guiding principles:
- Passion for our Ventures and their tasks
- Creation of sustainable value
- Unique integrated service spectrum
- Entrepreneurial thinking
- Extensive industrial expertise
- Support from idea to long-term further development
- Operative excellence
Our Philosophy
Curiosity, reliability, service orientation and team ethos characterise our style of working.
FOSTEC Ventures wants to help companies success. The highest demands for quality of our own work goes without saying. The investment of capital is for us just the start of the long-term further development of a company, with the aim of raising a champion. We lead our Ventures safely over new ground to the goal, actively promote transfer of know-how to the Ventures’s employees and force the operationalization of the strategy.
We remain permanently and continuously available to our Ventures. Not just in the strategy phase but most of all in the implementation, which represents the precondition for value creation, to be of the greatest possible use to our Ventures. You can count on it.